Current positions within Vantage College are described below. For additional opportunities within UBC, please view the faculty and staff postings on the UBC Careers page.

Graduate Teaching Assistant for VANT 140, English for Academic Purposes 

UBC Vantage College invites applications for 1 part-time Graduate Teaching Assistant position of up to 80 hours in the W2 of 2023/2024 academic year to assist with academic English courses in Vantage College’s Engineering Program.

UBC Vantage College offers first-year curriculum in a cohort program to academically strong international multilingual students whose English language proficiency does not yet meet the English language requirements for direct admission into UBC degrees. Students take courses in one of the Vantage One programs (Science or Engineering) before transferring into second year in their degree program. The primary goals of the Vantage One curriculum are: (1) to encourage students’ cultural, linguistic, and academic engagement in disciplinary communities and (2) to maximize students’ successful transition to Year Two in the Faculties of Science or Applied Science. For more information about the Vantage One programs, please see

The Vantage One Engineering program is hiring 1 part-time Graduate Teaching Assistant for VANT 140 (Content and Language Enrichment Tutorials). This course is developed and taught in close coordination with another course in Physics in the program, and will be delivered in-person.

The Teaching Assistant positions will involve up to 80 hours in Winter term 2 of the 2023-2024 academic year and are subject to final budgetary approval.


The Graduate Teaching Assistant supports the academic English instructors with teaching, assessment and feedback, as well as coordination, with an emphasis on qualitative feedback, tutoring and marking. Duties may include attending regular program/course meetings/classes, holding office hours, providing student feedback where applicable, conducting research to support materials design, attending mandatory training sessions and marking/collaborating in assignment and exam design, as well as potentially designing and facilitating study skills workshops with students (e.g., library skills).


Graduate Teaching Assistants must be registered as full-time graduate students at UBC and must have experience teaching and/or tutoring English language learners for academic purposes. Formal training and teaching in TESOL or Applied Linguistics is an asset. The academic English courses at Vantage College are informed by Systemic Functional Linguistics and genre-based pedagogies; therefore, while prior knowledge in these areas is not required, depending on the assigned duties, applicants may be expected to have an interest in familiarizing themselves with the theoretical and pedagogical approaches used in the courses they support.

In addition, familiarity and prior experience with Physics is also an asset for applicants.

Application instructions

The following application materials must be sent (as separate Word or .pdf files, using this file-naming convention: LASTNAME, Firstname_Application Form; LASTNAME, Firstname_CV; etc.) by email with the subject heading “Graduate Teaching Assistant – English for Academic Purposes, Vantage College” to the following address: Review of applications will begin on Jan. 19th, 2024. Applications will continue to be accepted until the positions have been filled.  

All Applicants are required to include the following in their application package:

(1) a completed Vantage College EAP Courses GTA Application Form

(2) curriculum vitae, including a list of all teaching-related activities,

(3) evidence of teaching effectiveness (e.g. teaching evaluations), if available

For questions about this position, please contact the Director of our Academic English Program, Dr. Sandra Zappa-Hollman:

Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Métis, Inuit, or Indigenous person. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.